No such luck on jobs this week, so the search will go on!
I had an interview in Chapel Hill on Saturday for a part time administrative assistant position at a landscaping business and while the owner was "Pleasantly surprised" by my experience, I have not yet received a call back, and he stated he needed someone by this week, so I am assuming I did not get the position (I tried calling to get an update on the status of the job, but had no luck).
I also sent in an application for a social worker at a retirement community last week. When I called they stated they were still looking through applications and would gladly accept mine. However, when I called yesterday to check and make sure the application had arrived (they wanted the applications faxed or mailed) they said the position had already been filled, so I am not sure if I was ever considered for the position or if my application arrived after the position was filled. Either way it was kind of a bummer, because I was excited that I finally found a social work position not requiring an MSW or 5+ years experience.
So the search continues and I'm sneding out my resume a few times each day, but it's slowing down, so I'm a little nervous but trying to not let it affect me too much.
What else has been going on you ask...
Not much really. I have worked a lot at Wendy's this week after finally discussing my lack of hours with my boss, so that's been a plus and it's kinda nice to work because it makes me feel useful. I also started the process to become a child life volunteer at Duke, so soon I will be back with my kids (I call them my kids because we got super close during my internship, and I've missed them, now that my internship has been done for a month) and I can't wait to be back in that environment and having fun with them in the playroom and on karaoke night!!! So soon I'll have a lot going on and more to tell.
Oh, one cool thing is happening this week, I actually will be meeting up with a nurse from Duke on Friday for lunch! It will be my first time going out to eat with a friend that I met here in North Carolina, so that's exciting because most of the time I have been going out to eat or shopping by myself.
I think that pretty much sums up life right now and all in all I am happy :)
don't get discouraged... keep getting your resume out there! i'm still searching... and it's rather frustrating. i've had two interviews in may and never heard back from them and have two more this week... and have had so many others and they simply don't hire me. it's frustrating, but God always provides right on time. i had no idea i would ever be working at a middle school with kids in detention, and here i am! it's no social work position, but it's a job!! :) you'll find something!! i love you lady!